bathroom waterproofing shower leak repair


We are fully licensed waterproofing professionals, specialising in the repair and waterproofing of showers and bathrooms.

Our waterproofing services include:

  • Bathroom and shower waterproofing
  • Complete shower restorations including removing existing tiles, waterproofing and retiling the area

The waterproofing process

In most cases an on-site inspection is required to assess the source of the leak in showers and bathrooms. We will meet you at a convenient time to determine the repair needed and provide a written quotation for acceptance.

  • Preparation: The shower should be clean, dry and not be used from at least the night before. Existing grout, silicon and any old sealant will be removed from all affected areas including the wall & floor joins, hob and shower screen areas.
  • Repair / sealing of the shower: Drip Dry Sealant is applied to the wall & floor joins of the shower, the floor waste, the hob and between the first row of tiles and around the shower base. Shower is re-grouted as necessary. Shower is ready to use again within 24 hours.

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The “No Tiles Removed” process

In most instances we can undertaken any bathroom waterproofing and leaking shower repairs without removing any tiles.  Our “No Tiles Removed” can save you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars as you won’t have to replace existing tiles. It also means your bathroom is ready for use again much quicker. Contact us for more information.

Bathroom Waterproofing & Leaking Shower Repair Assistance

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